May 142018

Is MoviePass too good to be true? Perhaps. They continue to add restrictions and even remove their regular deal of $10 a month as they see fit. Customer service is extremely lacking too.

But when the app works it is great. But their latest round of app updates and changes to their terms of service will most likely see me canceling my membership ahead of them shutting down (they are in over their heads and losing money).

They idea behind MoviePass is a good one. Get people out to the theaters to see films. (Going to the movies is a VERY expensive proposition these day with the price of tickets inching closer to $15 – $20 every day.

Movie Pass Fail

What has me pissed off with them is not the fact that I now must send them a photo of my ticket stub (I actually think that is a valid way to combat the fraud they seem to think is going on), it is the fact that they have now put a limit of only one viewing of films period. Not per month but EVER. You can now only see a title one time and one time only. Star Wars The Last Jedi required multiple viewings. Same with Ready Player One (but now I cannot see it because I have already viewed it once. Avengers Infinity Wars would be another one I need to see at least twice but now I have to pay to see it again, if I want to see it multiple times. Defeats the purpose of being a MoviePass member in my book.

Their reasoning on this new one time only viewing limit is to get people to see more movies. Different Movies. Well thus far the movies currently in the theater suck or I have already seen them so this month’s $10 is going to be wasted. Why should I waste two hours of my life watching a crappy film I have interest in just because they say I need to view different movies and not the same one?