Feb 182013

Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard Rating: A Synopsis from goodreads.com: The year is 1876, and there’s something strange and deadly loose in Philadelphia… Eleanor Fitt has a lot to worry about. Her brother has gone missing, her family has fallen on hard times, and her mother is determined to marry her off to any [… read more]

Feb 132013

The Girl in the Clockwork Collar by Kady Cross Rating: A- Synopsis from goodreads.com: In New York City, 1897, life has never been more thrilling – or dangerous. Sixteen-year-old Finley Jayne and her “straynge band of mysfits” have journeyed from London to America to rescue their friend Jasper, hauled off by bounty hunters. But Jasper [… read more]

Feb 082013
CLOCKWORK PRINCE by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare Grade: A Synopsis from goodreads.com: In the magical underworld of Victorian London, Tessa Gray has at last found safety with the Shadowhunters. But that safety proves fleeting when rogue forces in the Clave plot to see her protector, Charlotte, replaced as head of the Institute. If Charlotte loses her position, Tessa [… read more]

Feb 062013
OPAL by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Opal Jennifer L. Armentrout Rating: A+ Synopsis: No one is like Daemon Black. When he set out to prove his feelings for me, he wasn’t fooling around. Doubting him isn’t something I’ll do again, and now that we’ve made it through the rough patches, well… There’s a lot of spontaneous combustion going on. But even he [… read more]

Feb 042013
ONYX by Jennifer L. Armentrout

[amazon_link id=”1620610116″ target=”_blank” ]Onyx[/amazon_link] Jennifer L. Armentrout Rating: A+ Synopsis from goodreads.com: Being connected to Daemon Black sucks… Daemon’s determined to prove what he feels for me is more than a product of our bizarre connection. I’ve sworn him off even though he’s running more hot than cold these days. But against all common sense, [… read more]

Feb 012013
SHADOWS by Jennifer L. Armentrout

[amazon_link id=”1620611155″ target=”_blank” ]Shadows[/amazon_link] Jennifer L. Armentrout Rating: B+ Synopsis from goodreads.com: The last thing Dawson Black expected was Bethany Williams. As a Luxen, an alien life form on Earth, human girls are…well, fun. But since the Luxen have to keep their true identities a secret, falling for one would be insane. Dangerous. Tempting. Undeniable. [… read more]

Jan 302013
GLITCH by Heather Anastasiu

[amazon_link id=”1250002990″ target=”_blank” ]Glitch[/amazon_link] Heather Anastasiu Rating: D Synopsis from goodreads.com: In the Community, there is no more pain or war. Implanted computer chips have wiped humanity clean of destructive emotions, and thoughts are replaced by a feed from the Link network. When Zoe starts to malfunction (or “glitch”), she suddenly begins having her own [… read more]