Dec 132012
Last Call For Geekmas 2012

Geekenheim’s 10% discount with guaranteed Christmas delivery ENDING SOON! (December 12, 2012- New York, New York) The high end chic art galley Geekenheim is reminding everyone that midnight 12/14/2012 is the last chance for fans to take advantage of the 10% discount AND guarantee shipping before Christmas. To take advantage of the promotion, buyers should enter [… read more]

Nov 232012
Slaughterhouse-Five, The Day of the Triffids, Ubik & The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick

What do these four books have in common? They are all the Kindle Deal of the day today. That means you can get these great books for only $1.99 each and spend the rest of Black Friday weekend curled up reading a classic. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut from GoodReads: Slaughterhouse-Five is not only Vonnegut’s most [… read more]